Introduction Welcome to Panjabi Shayari! By accessing or using our website, you agree to comply with these Terms of Service. Please read them carefully.
Currently, the option for users to submit their own shayari is not available. However, we are actively working on creating a platform where writers and poets can submit their work to help new poets grow and make their name.
Any future submissions must comply with copyright laws and these terms.
Using the website for unlawful purposes.
Posting spam, offensive, or harmful content.
Attempting to breach website security.
Misusing any future user submission feature, including submitting plagiarized content.
We provide an on-click copy option to make it easy for users to use our poetry, two-liners, Punjabi statuses, etc., on platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, and more.
Our website is designed for easy access to Punjabi shayari, ensuring users can find and use content effortlessly.
We humbly post Punjabi legend shayars’ shayari on our website as a tribute to their work and to preserve their legacy. Since our website name is Panjabi Shayari, it is essential to include these iconic works.
We do not intend to earn from the legendary poets’ shayari; it is shared purely out of respect and admiration for their contributions to Punjabi literature.
Account Termination – We reserve the right to terminate access to our website for users who violate these Terms of Service.
Disclaimer – The content on this website is provided “as is” without warranties of any kind. We do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of curated content.
Limitation of Liability – We are not liable for any damages arising from the use of our website. This includes, but is not limited to, content inaccuracies, website downtime, or unauthorized access to user data.
Changes to Terms of Service – We may revise these terms from time to time. Continued use of the website after changes indicates acceptance of the updated terms.
Contact Us For questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at
All wallpapers available on the Wallpapers page of our website are completely free to use. You are welcome to download, share, and use them for personal or commercial purposes without any restrictions.
While no attribution is required, we always appreciate it if you credit our website when sharing the wallpapers with others. Please note that while these wallpapers are free, redistribution of these files as part of a paid package or under another branding is not permitted.